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  The FREIA Accelerator and Detector
Instrumentation Laboratory in Uppsala


                                        P1020304                P1020847


A 2 minutes video showing the FREIA Laboratory is available at

              The home page of the FREIA Laboratory and Division is


The FREIA Research Infrastructure

The FREIA Laboratory in Uppsala, Sweden, is developing and testing new particle accelerator and
detector instrumentation. It was created in 2012 as a Division of the Department of Physics and
Astronomy at Uppsala University and is located at the Ångström Laboratory Science Campus in a
1000 m2 large, 10 m high hall.


The Laboratory has as major infrastructure:

-       a Helium liquefier with a capacity of 140 liters per hour with distribution lines, dewars and
gas recovery system,

-       a versatile horizontal test cryostat of inner measures 3.2 m length and 1.19 m diameter,

-       two 400 kW 352 MHz radiofrequency power generators with wave guide circuitry,

-       high power solid state amplifiers,

-       control processors and other electronic equipment,

-       radiation protection bunkers and

-       a 6.3-ton movable crane and other mechanical equipment

Currently this infrastructure is being complemented with:

-       a vertical cryostat of inner measures 2.9 m height and 1.12 m diameter and

-       a high power 704 MHz radiofrequency generator.


The FREIA laboratory is continuously developing and complementing its infrastructure as new
projects are added to the current activities.


The laboratory has 20 employees, of which 12 are researchers with a PhD exam and 8 engineers
and technicians. There are currently 5 PhD students with their research based at FREIA.


The availability of the nearby Ångström Mechnical Workshop ( ) with its highly qualified workshop
personnel and large set-up of modern numerical workshop machines constitutes an important
complement to the Laboratory.


Current FREIA Research and Development Activities

Current research and development activities are closely linked to major research infrastructure
projects and comprise the following activities:

-       development and test of accelerating cavities and radiofrequency power sources for ESS,

-       development and tests of crab cavities and orbit corrector dipole magnets for the CERN
LHC upgrade,

-       analysis of the dynamics of a high-current beam in an accumulator ring for the ESS Neutrino
SuperBeam (ESSnuSB) project,

-       commission the Laser Heater for X-FEL,

-       development of high-power semiconductor microwave sources for scientific and industrial
accelerators and

-       development of technology for generation of single-cycle light-beams.

New research projects under discussion will address accelerators and instrumentation for

-       synchrotron radiation physics (beamline and undulators for MAX IV) and

-       medical physics (AccMed Superconducting Radioisotope Cyclotrons and Light-Ion Therapy).